Let us help you find your new dog-friendly apartment with the all amenities and features that you want. Please explore our catalog of metro Boston apartment for rent near dog parks and dog-friendly places to walk and play below. Contact us anytime for honest, professional assistance, and more information if you see something that interests you.
Explore CONDOS For SALE Near Metro Boston Dog Parks

armory playground

back bay fens

blackstone square

boston common

bremen street dog park

brookline avenue playground

carleton court dog park

castle island

charles river esplanade

chestnut hill reservoir

coolidge park

corey hill outlook park

danehy dog park

daniel j. warren playground

edward l. leathers community park

fort washington park

fresh pond reservation

gold star mothers park

griggs park

harry downes field

hoyt field

jean b. waldstein playground

larz anderson park

mansfield street dog park

nunziato dog park

paul revere landing park

peters park

raymond park

ronan park

ruff dog park

Schick Park

south boston bark park

tudor dog park