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Downtown Boston. Where Is It And What Is It?

Downtown Boston BID LogoFor the past several years the area immediately to east of the Boston Common has held several seemingly competing and confusing names. It has been hard to know if a location was in the Theatre District, or the Ladder District, and so forth.

Finally from the new Downtown Boston Business Improvement District comes the following map which to my eye finally resolves the question of what's where.

The Theatre District, Ladder District, Downtown Crossing and the Financial Districts are all part of what we can call "Downtown Boston" for clarity's sake for now on.

With all the residential development (like Millennium Place @ 580 Washington Street and the Filene's Project, Burnham Building @ 426 Washington Street) that is nearing completion in this area in the next 18 to 24+ months, I am glad the area finally has name that encompasses all its parts.

Find out more about Downtown Boston and its new business improvement district here.

Downtown Boston Map