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Beacon Hill Neighborhood Marks the End of the 2012 Holiday Season

Unit Realty Group helps un-decorate Beacon Hill neighborhood after the holidaysWe officially said goodbye to the holidays on Beacon Hill today. The day of undecorating the hill's roughly 1,100 gas lamps began at a Beacon Hill Civic Association breakfast hosted by Tom Kershaw at the Hampshire House. After a great breakfast and a few words of instruction the day's volunteers set off across the neighborhood removing 2,860 yards of laurel garland and thousands of red bows.

Posted right, I'm captured at the corner of Grove and Revere Streets poised to clip the wires on a now tired laurel garland its accompanying two bows.

Beacon Hill is a beautiful neighborhood to live in for many reasons, and I personally feel it's at its best decked out for the holidays. -- Joe Schutt