It's that time a year again when September 1 to August 31 metro Boston apartment leases flip and moving permits, AKA street occupancy permit signs, crop up like weeds.
With renters' moving permits seemingly everywhere this time of year, street parking can be more than a little frustrating. We're all very familiar with the need to move our cars for street sweeping by 8 AM, but moving permits throw an unexpected wrench in our habit of vacating a parking space by a required time.
Why is this? It's because street occupancy permits in Boston can start as early as 7 AM, or an hour earlier than we're used to for street sweeping. As a city street parker, I'd love an across the board "no threat of towing before 8 AM" rule for BOTH street cleaning and moving permits.
And while I am creating my moving permits wish list, I'd also love it if the "no parking" time and date printed on the sign was large enough to read from inside my car. I mean, how often have we all had to double park, block traffic and get out to closely read the details for competing moving permits?! Here's another one for my wish listwhat's with the tiny printed arrow indicating the direction of the parking restriction? I'd love it if that was readable too.
I'm guessing the City is used to hearing complaints about street occupancy permits because it has several programs in place to help street parkers navigate these uncertain waters. Check them out here:
Owing to the craziness of this time of year it's clearly time to get out of town. Here's wishing you a very happy and safe Labor Day holiday weekend!