Here's January 2016s Monthly Indicators report from the Greater Boston Association of Realtors
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January 2016 Greater Boston Real Estate Market Trends
Strong buyer activity in the last few months of the year pushed closed home sales to highest level in a January since 2004. January median home prices essentially flat from same time last year despite buyer demand. The state continues to need more homes for sale as 2016 started off with another inventory decrease.
- January single-family home sales UP +17.9% over last year
- January Single-family median prices were UP +0.9% ($490,000)
- January condo sales UP +22.4% and median prices DOWN -1.6% ($440,000)
- Inventory in January DOWN -11.7% to 2,018 and Condominiums DOWN -6.0% to 1,213
- SF listings added to the market in January UP +7.0% over last year. (906 from 847 in 2015)
- Condo listings added to the market UP +14% over last year. (810 from 709 in 2015)