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Quick and Easy Cleaning Hacks to Kick Off Spring Cleaning

Cleaning can be overwhelming and sometimes annoying, but when you finally tackle it, it feels great! We love cleaning hacks that you can do in less than 5 minutes that will make a world of difference in your home! Kick of spring cleaning with these 3 easy cleaning hacks. 



dog on couch

Photo by Michael Oxendine on Unsplash



1. Removing Fur With Rubber Gloves

We love our furry family members, but we can't deny that they can be a bit messy sometimes. If you have a dog or cat that sheds, our favorite easy way to clean the couch is with a rubber glove! Simply put on a rubber glove and wipe down your couch. The rubber will collect the fur and hair, making it easy to just throw away!


2. Steam Cleaning With Lemon Juice

Microwaves can get grimy and depending on what you normally heat up, they can retain a, sometimes unpleasant, smell. To easily clean and freshen up you microwave, microwave a bowl of lemon juice for about 2 minutes. The lemon juice will create a steam that will loosen any grime in the microwave making it easy to wipe down, and it will leave a citrus scent behind!


3. Spot Cleaning With Baby Wipes

If you have a small stain or mark on your couch try spot cleaning with baby wipes. Baby wipes are great to use on fabric furniture because they have gentle cleaning agents that won't ruin your furniture with bleach or other chemicals. 


Your living room and kitchen are commonly used the most and seen most by guests, and they can be overwhelming to keep clean. By using these 3 cleaning hacks you can keep your kitchen and living room smelling and looking great! Keep up with these three areas and you will easily be able to keep your whole home clean!