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Home Maintenance Tips For The Spring

With spring finally here we have a few important home maintenance tips to keep your house in great condition! These four tips will help you keep up with wear and tear, save on energy bills, and boost your curb appeal! If you want to prolong the life of your house, put in the time this spring!



outdoor porch Photo by Francesca Tosolini on Unsplash



Change The Direction Of Your Ceiling Fans

Changing the direction of your ceiling fans every spring will help keep your home cool and save energy! Make sure your ceiling fan is rotating counter clockwise in the spring and summer to push the cool air down.


Clean Your Gutters

Clean out your gutters every spring to make sure they are clear of buildup and debris from the fall and winter. Remove any leaves and fix any damage to the gutters to keep your home from getting water damaged which can turn into expensive leaks. 


Inspect Your Roof

Have your roof professionally inspected to make sure there isn't any damage or leaks from the ice and snow during the winter. Addressing roof issues now can save you tons of money in the future and can also help regulate your heating and cooling systems, which will save you money in energy costs. 


Power Wash Your Siding

Cleaning the siding of your home will boost your curb appeal and prolong the life of your siding. We recommend renting a power washer to clean the outside of your home and get it ready for summer!