
Home Seller Tips

Ask Yourself These Four Questions To Declutter Your Home


Whether you're trying to simplify your life, you're moving, or you're purging your home, asking yourself some simple questions can help you get rid of unnecessary items. It can be hard to part ways with things you've held on to for so long, but if doesn't add value to your life, it's time to let it go. Clean out your home by asking yourself these four questions. 

Can You Overprice Your Property In A Hot Market?

to overprice your property, or not

As you are no doubt aware the Boston real estate market is white hot. Homebuyers are very active in the marketplace, and home sellers are scarce. The inequality of demand to supply has lead to historic low housing inventory levels and has kept most of greater Boston real estate in the grips of a seller's market for years.

Tips For Home Sellers: 7 Insider Secrets On Showcasing Your Home For A Successful Sale

Insider Tips For Home Sellers: 7 Insider Secrets On Showcasing Your Home For A Successful Sale

Check out my new ebook, Insider Tips For Home Sellers: 7 Insider Secrets On Showcasing Your Home For A Successful Sale. It may be a sellers' market right now, but it's still very possible to make missteps. Find out how to showcase your home for a successful sale.

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